Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

Als 200 Homosexuelle Erzbischof Crepaldi verfolgten

Der durch die Homosexuellen verursachte Aufruhr muss so schlimm gewesen sein, dass Erzbischof Crepaldi, ein enger Vertrauter Papst Benedikts, in der erzbischöflichen Residenz, die sie belagerten, Schutz suchen musste und den ganzen Nachmittag das Haus nicht verlassen konnte. Bilder und weitere Hintergründe dazu dazu hier

Der folgende Artikel, den zu übersetzen mir leider die Zeit fehlt, erklärt ausführlicher, was gestern kurz berichtet hatte. Dort steht auch, wie der Erzbischof die Zukunft für Katholiken einschätzt.

Es sollen sogar zwei Kommunalpolitiker zu der die Residenz belagernden Gruppe gehört haben.

Die Homosexuellen gehörten der seit 1985 bestehenden italienischen Homosexuellen-Organisation Arcigay an, die nach eigenen Angaben 150.000 Mitglieder hat.

Ich nehme an, dieser Vorfall vom 12. Januar 2013 war dem Präfekten der Glaubenskongregation bekannt, als er kürzlich vor Progomstimmung warnte.

Wer einzelne englische Wörter nicht kennt, kann sie komfortabel hier online nachschlagen.

Evidence of the hostility toward the Church that Archbishop Müller discussed was on display in full force recently in Trieste, Italy.
On Jan. 12, the archdiocesan residence was besieged after Archbishop Giampaolo Crepaldi defended the Church’s teaching on marriage in a published interview.
Around 200 homosexual-rights activists from the Italian group Arcigay surrounded the residence, hurling insults and causing so much commotion that the archbishop was forced to seek refuge indoors.
“The first thing I did was go to the chapel, to pray at vespers, and then I started to read a thick book by Rodney Stark, the great American sociologist, entitled The Victory of Reason,” he said. “The book analyzes, among other things, the many persecutions suffered by Christians in 2,000 years of history [and] demonstrates, with a wealth of data, that, in the end, the persecutors pass away while Christians continue, because the persecutions purify them and make them stronger.”
The protesters called Archbishop Crepaldi “homophobic,” “intolerant” and “racist” — despite the fact the archbishop strongly fought against racism when he served eight years as secretary at the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. He also rejected the accusation of homophobia, saying the protest passes through that pretext of hate directed against homosexuals to an assertion of the "rights of the family and marriage."
“The ultimate goal of these campaigns is to undermine what is a cornerstone of civilization, the concept of the family, founded on marriage between a man and a woman, equating it to other forms of cohabitation,” he said in the interview, which was originally published by the weekly Trieste newspaper Vita Nuova.
Archbishop Crepaldi said that anyone like himself willing to state publicly the Catholic position that the true family is only one founded on marriage between a man and a woman could eventually become subject to criminal proceedings and prosecution. “If one who belongs to the Catholic Church travels this road and professes this doctrine, though not only this one, he will become party to criminal punishment, even jail.”
“This insidious program, disguised as progressive and libertarian, will put the muzzle on everyone, depriving us of freedom,” he said, adding that it is “ironic that the Church, which has given the world a higher conception of incomparable values of the human person and taught it the duty of respect, equality and fraternity, has come to be described as racist and discriminating. These are the quirks of history.”

Tough Times Ahead
Quoting friends at the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, he warned, “Gender-style persecution against Christianity has begun, and it will be tough.”
Said Archbishop Crepaldi, “There will be militant [Christians], those who seek compromise, those who cheat; there will be faithful, and there will also be martyrs.”

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