aktueller Titel des "katholischen " progressiven Magazins "The Tablet" anlässlich EVANGELII GAUDIUM Für mich ist es kein Zufall, dass "Christus" ganz klein rechts oben unter "dezentralisiere" steht. Und dabei haben dann alle Progressiven riesig "Joy"= Freude |
Kann im Moment leider nichts davon übersetzen, da ich von den unglaublichen Klöpsen, die seit Wochen im Stundentakt auf Radio Vatikan berichtet werden, geistig zu erschöpft bin. Ich schließe mich daher inhaltlich zumindest vorerst voll dem ersten Kommentar unten an, abgegeben von einer Frau.
Frauen"rechte" sollen demnächst übrigens ganz besonders im Vatikan berücksichtigt werden. Was kann man froh, sein dass "Kardinälin" scheinbar nicht ganz oben auf dieser Wunschliste steht.
Wer danach noch Lust hat, was zu lesen, kann ja lesen, wie Hans Küng, das mit viel Geld und Medieneinsatz geförderte „interreligiöse“ Sprachrohr der anti-christlichen UNO, der bis vor kurzem Leiter der "Stiftung Weltethos" war, und damit keineswegs der nicht ernst zu nehmendeDepp Revoluzzer ist, für den ihn einige halten, über die Zukunft der Kirche jubelt: Kirchenreform auf allen Ebenen
Wer danach noch Lust hat, was zu lesen, kann ja lesen, wie Hans Küng, das mit viel Geld und Medieneinsatz geförderte „interreligiöse“ Sprachrohr der anti-christlichen UNO, der bis vor kurzem Leiter der "Stiftung Weltethos" war, und damit keineswegs der nicht ernst zu nehmende
2. "In 2 thousand years of good and bad popes even corrupt popes not one has attempted to completely remake the faith as a whole into other than what it has been. Even the few potentially heretical popes merely adopted a particluar heretical point of doctrine. They didnt to my knowldge enage in a wholestyle remake of the whole ediface of the Christian religion. This is even more than a Pelagius or Luther being elected pope."
3. "I spent nearly two months at my blog working through the utter disorientation and desolation I felt at the content and impact of the pope's early, "big" off-the-cuff remarks and interviews. It was a sort of consolation to have the Scalfari interview removed and to see the pope correct himself, sort of, on some other contentious points, but by now I'm simply exhausted. This kind of thing is going to plague this papacy until it's over, and my faith, much less my sanity, cannot endure trying to unpack and clarify gaffe after gaffe. He's a coarse man, reckless in his words, and I'm perfectly happy listening to him ONLY when he speaks authoritatively on clear matters that pertain to his magisterium. The rest is just a torrent of ecclesiologically Peronist soapbox improv, and my attention is better spent elsewhere. I have zero interest in reading Evangelii Gaudium.
One other point: I'm bemused by some in this thread who seem to think this is the first time that Pope Francis has mangled the patent teaching of Scripture (albeit non-dogmatically, so it's all good, yo); I can think of at least two, or three, other cases, of his exegetical casuistry: his sermon on the multiplication of leaves and his claims about the relative value of the Marian vs. Marthan chrisms (his claim that God never gets angry is a possible third case).
Vom gleichen Autor:
4. Yippee, another exegetical epiphany from Pope Francis:
'[T]he first and the greatest of the commandments, and the one that best identifies us as Christ’s disciples: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you”'. -- Evangelii Gaudium §161
Compare this with:
'“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ -- Matthew 22:36-37
(HT to Jonathan)
I am aware of John 13:34, but the pope's assertion is plain, and it manifestly conflates our Lord's words in Matthew 22. But hey, maybe He was just pretending.
All this will surely just confirm my cynical hunch: IT DOES NOT MATTER what this pope says, since it is always jesuitical enough to be defended by the legions of soft ultramontanists with a keyboard. The irony is, Pope Francis KNOWS that he can get away with these astounding imprecisions (malapapalisms, as I call them), and so they will persist.